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29 Some definitions from the cult's literature: P-S


This article is from the Scientology Terminology Dictionary, by martinh@islandnet.com (Martin Hunt) with numerous contributions by others.

29 Some definitions from the cult's literature: P-S

Paranoid, a person with delusions, as of grandeur or, especially,
persecution. (HCOB 11 May, AD 15)

Present Time, the time which is now and which becomes the past
almost as rapidly as it is observed. It is a term loosely applied
to the environment existing in now, as in "preclear came up to
present time", meaning the preclear became aware of the existing
matter, energy, space, and time of now. The point on anyone's time
track where his physical body (if alive) may be found. "Now". (HCOB
11 May, AD 15)

Psychotic, 1. Does not know what is going on in his environment and
does not know what is going on inside himself. It is all unknown
and therefore unobservational-unobserved. He doesn't know what's
happening into receive or is the effect. 4. When a person has lost
his ability to impose time and space upon his facsimiles and his
memories he's psychotic, he's gone. 5. An avoidance of both the
future and present time and a shift into the past. 10. Computation
only of past situations. (from TD)

Responsibility, 1. The ability and willingness to assume the status
of full source and cause for all efforts and counter-efforts on all
dynamics. 2. When one speaks of responsibility he means "the
determination of the cause which produced the effect." 7. Admission
of control of space, energy and objects. 8. Willingness to own or
act or use or be. 10. "Admit causing", "able to Withhold." (from

Revivification, the bringing back to life of an engram in which a
preclear is stuck. The engram or some portion thereof is being
acted out in present time by the preclear. It is called a
revivification because the engram is suddenly more real to the
preclear than present time has ever been. He relives that moment
briefly. He does not merely recall or remember it. (HCOB 11 May, AD

Rock Slam, the following is the only valid definition of an R/S:
the crazy, irregular *left-right* slashing motion of the needle on
the E-Meter dial. R/Ses repeat left and right slashes unevenly and
savagely, faster than the eye easily follows. The needle is
frantic...A rock slam (R/S) means a hidden evil intention on the
subject or question under auditing or discussion." (Tech Dict, p.

Secondary, a secondary engram is a mental image picture at a moment
in the past containing misemotion anger, fear, grief, apathy -
where loss either is threatened or accomplished. However, a
secondary can not exist unless an engram underlies it. (HCOB 11
May, AD 15)

Security Checking, 2. Withholds don't add up to Withholds. They add
up to overts, they add up to secrecies, they add up to
individuation, they add up to games conditions, they add up to lot
more things than O/W. Although we carelessly call them Withholds,
we're asking a person to straighten out their interpersonal
relationships with another terminal. Our normal security check is
addressed to the individual versus society or his family. It's what
people would consider reprehensible that makes a Withhold. In a
Catholic society, not having kept Mass would be a reprehensible
action. In a non-Catholic society, nobody would think twice about
it. So, most of our security checks are aimed at transgressions
against the mores of the group. That is the basic center line or
the security check. It's a moral code that you're processing in one
way or the other. You're straightening out somebody on the "Now,
I'm supposed to's." They've transgressed, they are now
individuated. If their individuation is too obsessive, they snap in
and become the terminal. All of these cycles exist around the idea
of the transgression against the "Now I'm supposed to." That's what
a security check clears up and that is all it clears up. It's a
great deal more than a Withhold. (from TD)

Service Facsimile, 1. these are called "service facsimiles."
"Service" because they serve him. "Facsimiles" because they are in
mental image picture form. They explain his disabilities as well.
The facsimile part is actually a self-installed disability that
"explains" how he is not responsible for being able to cope. So he
is not wrong for not coping. Part of the "package" is to be right
by making wrong. The service facsimile is therefore a picture
containing an explanation of self condition and also a fixed method
of making others wrong. (HCOB 15 Feb 74) 2. this is actually part
of a chain of incidents which the individual uses to invite
sympathy or cooperation on the part of the environment. One uses
engrams to handle himself and others and the environment after one
has himself conceived that he has failed to handle himself, others
and the general environment (AP&A, p. 7) 3. it is simply a time
when you tried to do something and were hurt or failed and got
sympathy for it. Then afterwards when you were hurt or failed and
wanted an explanation, you used it. And if you didn't succeed in
getting sympathy for it, you used it so hard it became a
psychosomatic illness. (HFP, p. 89) 4. every time you fail, you
pick up this facsimile and become sick or sadly noble. It's your
explanation to yourself and the world as to how and why you failed.
It once got you sympathy. (HFP, p. 89) 5. that facsimile which the
preclear uses to apologize for his failures. In other words, it is
used to make others wrong and procure their cooperation in the
survival of the preclear. If the preclear well cannot achieve
survival, he attempts an illness or disability as a survival
computation. The workability and necessity of the service facsimile
is only superficially useful. The service facsimile is an action
method of withdrawing from a state of beingness to a state of not
beingness and is intended to persuade others to coax the individual
back into a state of beingness. (AP&A, p. 43) 6. that computation
generated by the preclear (not the bank) to make self right and
others wrong, to dominate or escape domination and enhance own
survival and injure that of others. (HCOB 1 Sept 63) Ser Fac,
service facsimile. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)

Straightwire, 1. When we say *straightwire*, we're simply talking
about stringing a line from cause to effect through the past. 2.
Straight memory is also called *straight wire* because the auditor
is directing the memory of the preclear and in doing so is
stringing *wire*, much on the order of a telephone line, between
*I* and the standard memory bank. 3. A technique of direct memory.
4. In 1950 in the early HDA lectures we described this as the act
of stringing a line between present time and some incident in the
past, and stringing that line directly and without any detours. 5.
*Straight wire* is - the recovery of the actual time, place and
object. (from TD)

Stuck in Present Time, the condition of a person being incapable of
moving on the time track into the past. In actuality the preclear
is in some incident which forces him to be in the apparent present.
(HCOB 11 May, AD 15)

Suppress, to squash, to sit on, to make smaller, to refuse to let
reach, to make uncertain about his reaching, to render or lessen in
any way possible by any means possible, to the harm of the
individual and the fancied protection of a suppressor. (from TD)

Suppressive Person, 2. A person who rewards only down statistics
and never rewards an up statistic. He goofs up or vilifies any
effort to help anybody and particularly knifes with violence
anything calculated to make human beings more powerful or
intelligent. A suppressive automatically and immediately will curve
any betterment activity into something evil or bad. 4. The person
is in a mad, howling situation of some yesteryear and is "handling
it" by committing overt acts today. I say condition of yesteryear
but this case thinks it's today. 5. An SP is a no-confront case
because, not being in his own valence he has no viewpoint from
which to erase anything. That is all an SP is. 6. Those who are
destructively antisocial. 7. A person with certain behavior
characteristics and who suppresses other people in his vicinity and
those other people when he suppresses them become PTS or potential
trouble sources. (from TD)


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