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Scientology Terminology FAQ

Enturbulated by all the suppressive terminology on ars? Feeling nattery, want to blow? Suffering from severe MU phenomenon? Or are your Body Thetans just acting up? Then RTFM, by Xenu!

This Scientology Terminology Dictionary was compiled and written by martinh@islandnet.com (Martin Hunt) with numerous contributions by others.

The ARS Acronym/Terminology FAQ v3.5:

The official Scientology glossary (not as complete as this FAQ due to a lack of inclusion of secret nomenclature and ars-specific nomenclature) is at: http://www.scientology.org/gloss.htm

See also the OT Levels & Confidential Material Summary List and the Command Channels Chart by Jonathon Barbera, barbera@primenet.com. Many thanks to S.S. for all the clarifications and corrections in this edition.

-01 Scientology Terminology: A
(*), see Poodle....
-02 Scientology Terminology: B
B-1, bureau one. A segment of the Guardian's Office (the cult'...
-03 Scientology Terminology: C
Cadet Org, any of various orgs for warehousing children of Sea ...
-04 Scientology Terminology: D
D/A, verb. Dead Agent; to spread malicious lies and rumors about ...
-05 Scientology Terminology: E
ED, 1. Executive Director, the chief officer of a ...
-06 Scientology Terminology: F
Facsimile, a mental image picture.
-07 Scientology Terminology: G
Gang-Bang Sec Check, a cruel process involving getting the ...
-08 Scientology Terminology: H
Handle, to fix something up or solve a problem.
-09 Scientology Terminology: I
IAS, International Association of Scientologists. The first ...
-10 Scientology Terminology: J
J&D, Joker and Degrader. According to Hubbard, joking and ...
-11 Scientology Terminology: K
Key-In, to restimulate (make active) and turn on an engram ...
-12 Scientology Terminology: L
L10, List ten, a series of processes directed at doingness. ...
-13 Scientology Terminology: M
M1, or M1 Word Clearing, one of the 9 methods of the endless ...
-14 Scientology Terminology: N
Narconon, a cult front-group that purportedly cures drug addition....
-15 Scientology Terminology: O
Oat Tea, what the bus driver sometimes calls the OT or ...
-16 Scientology Terminology: P
PAB, Professional Auditor's Bulletin. An issue type for ...
-17 Scientology Terminology: Q
Q & A, question(ing) and answer(ing); not going A to B, but ...
-18 Scientology Terminology: R
R6EW, Routine 6 - End Words (Grade VI). The first solo ...
-19 Scientology Terminology: S
Saint Hill, the manor Hubbard bought in East Grinstead, England,...
-20 Scientology Terminology: T
TA, Tone Arm, a potentiometer on the E-meter that ...
-21 Scientology Terminology: U
UK-ARSCC, the United Kingdom branch office of the ARSCC, which ...
-22 Scientology Terminology: V
Valence, possession by another personality or evil spirit.
-23 Scientology Terminology: W
Wall of Clay, the extensive clay demos of Plasticine (tm) done ...
-24 Scientology Terminology: X
Xenu (ZEE-new, ZEEN-you), sometimes spelled Xemu (ZEE-moo,...
-25 Some definitions from the cult's literature: A-B
These were provided by provided by sdraper, xpolitic@ix.netcom.com,...
-26 Some definitions from the cult's literature: C-D
Cans, electrodes for the E-meter. Steel soup or vegetable cans,...
-27 Some definitions from the cult's literature: E-I
E-meter, 1. the E-meter is a religious artifact used as a ...
-28 Some definitions from the cult's literature: M-O
Marcab Confederacy, various planets united into a very ...
-29 Some definitions from the cult's literature: P-S
Paranoid, a person with delusions, as of grandeur or, especially,...
-30 Some definitions from the cult's literature: T-W
-31 A Sample of Scientologese:
The below was written by sdraper, and posted to alt.religion....
-32 Notes on this FAQ:
I have waited patiently for the cult to come up with a list ...

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