
previous page: 1.2 Are all the men who use online personals desperate, fat, ugly, or computer nerds?
page up: Internet Personals: Advice for Gay Men FAQ
next page: 1.4 Okay, I've looked through a bunch of personal ads and it seems like there's tons of ads for sex. What's the deal? Is that all everyone is really looking for?

1.3 Okay, You've made me curious. Where can I go to check out personal ads on the 'Net?

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This article is from the Internet Personals: Advice for Gay Men FAQ, by Fred Young nssf@greatwildwest.net and Dean Esmay esmay@syndicomm.com with numerous contributions by others.

1.3 Okay, You've made me curious. Where can I go to check out personal ads on the 'Net?

Your two biggest options right now are one of the many Web based
services and the Usenet newsgroups.

For Usenet, you should look for newsgroups in the alt.personals.*
hierarchy. For a comprehensive list of Usenet newsgroups and for
general Usenet information, visit the web site at

By the way, I strongly advise you to post your ad to as many
groups as may apply to you. So, for example, if you're in
Chicago, you should post to both chi.personals and alt.personals.
This broadens your exposure.

On the other hand, there is currently a problem of people posting
to groups which are not appropriate for them, solely for the
purpose of getting more responses. The biggest problem appears to
be in the regional groups, with people posting from all over the
country (or world!) into groups with no connection with them
whatsoever--for example, people in Dallas posting to New York City
and Bay Area groups even though they don't live there and rarely
travel there.

To be blunt, doing this makes you look like a major dork.

I recommend posting to as many groups as reasonably apply to
you--but no more than that.

There are also, by the way, a number of interesting "singles" news
groups. These are not the place to post personal ads (in fact, if
you post personal ads there you're likely to get flamed), but they
might be a good place to meet others and get advice on the dating

There are also region-specific singles groups, which you might
look for on your news server. But remember, don't post personal
ads to "singles" or "romance" groups -- you'll just get in trouble
if you do.

Finally, if any of the above groups strikes your fancy, but your
Usenet provider doesn't carry it, I recommend writing to your
system administrator and requesting them. Most places will carry
any or all of these groups if you just ask for them.

Now, as for World Wide Web sites, there are a ton. (Refer to
section 2.3 in this FAQ.)


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previous page: 1.2 Are all the men who use online personals desperate, fat, ugly, or computer nerds?
page up: Internet Personals: Advice for Gay Men FAQ
next page: 1.4 Okay, I've looked through a bunch of personal ads and it seems like there's tons of ads for sex. What's the deal? Is that all everyone is really looking for?