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1.12 Anything I should look out for?

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This article is from the Internet Personals: Advice for Gay Men FAQ, by Fred Young nssf@greatwildwest.net and Dean Esmay esmay@syndicomm.com with numerous contributions by others.

1.12 Anything I should look out for?

As with anybody, male or female, gay or straight, you do have to
be cautious. Answering an ad might get you a psychotic, or
someone who's dishonest with you.

The single biggest hazard is probably those strange creatures out
there who post messages pretending to be what they aren't. There
are people (women and men!) who post messages pretending to be
gorgeous and provocative when they're nothing of the sort in real

It's also possible you'll wind up corresponding with someone
criminal or dangerous somehow. Don't be paranoid, because every
method of meeting people carries risks. But do be sensible!

Don't get your heart crushed by a liar; use caution, and don't buy
too much of anything until you actually meet the person face-to-
face, or at least a phone call. Watch for the warning signs of
someone yanking your chain, or wrapped up in their own fantasies
and not really paying attention to who you are. Don't fall in
love or get your heart ripped out by someone who may just be a
fantasy-man (or woman). Don't be paranoid, but make sure you don't
expect too much until you actually meet the other person face-to-


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previous page: 1.11 He wrote me! He wrote me! He wrote me!!! OMIGOD! What do I do?
page up: Internet Personals: Advice for Gay Men FAQ
next page: 1.13 How much should I worry about meeting someone dangerous this way?