
previous page: 4.5.11 - Final Fantasy VII: I'm still in the Shinra HQ. Where do I go now that Jenova has escaped?
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4.5.12 - Final Fantasy VII: I'm currently listening to Cloud recounting his past at Kalm Town. Is there anything special I can do during his flashback?

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This article is from the Final-Fantasy and other Square Soft Games FAQ, by nickzman@eskimo.com (Nick Zitzmann) with numerous contributions by others.

4.5.12 - Final Fantasy VII: I'm currently listening to Cloud recounting his past at Kalm Town. Is there anything special I can do during his flashback?

No. Nothing you do in the flashback has an effect on the rest of the
game, nor can you get Vincent or Tifa's 'Final Heaven' manual during the
flashback. The only exception is, if you explore Tifa's house and look
in her closet, read her letters, etc., she will dislike you for doing


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previous page: 4.5.11 - Final Fantasy VII: I'm still in the Shinra HQ. Where do I go now that Jenova has escaped?
page up: Final-Fantasy and other Square Soft Games FAQ
next page: 4.5.13 - Final Fantasy VII: How do I capture a Chocobo? Do I have to have one in order to cross the marsh near the Chocobo Barn?