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07 What is God's name?


This article is from the Bible FAQ, by Michael Paul Johnson mpj@ebible.org with numerous contributions by others.

07 What is God's name?

Although there is only one true God, He is called by many names
in the Holy Bible. In Hebrew, God's most common proper name is
represented by the 4 consonants YOD HE WAW HE, which is usually
written "Yahweh" in English. Sometimes "Jehovah" is used, which
is what you get when you combine the vowels for "Adonai" (Lord)
with the consonants for "Yahweh." This name is sometimes
rendered "LORD" in English translations, not to be confused with
"Lord" (the rendition of "Adonai") -- note the small capital
letters in one and not the other. Trust me, God knows who you
are talking to when you pray, so please don't sweat this one too


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