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01 Manga FAQ: Introduction


This article is from the Manga Glossary, by Steve Pearl starbuck@cybercomm.net with numerous contributions by others.

01 Manga FAQ: Introduction

This FAQ, as well as the other anime/manga newsgroup FAQs and info
articles written by Steve Pearl, are available from the Official
Anime/Manga FAQ page at
The FAQs on that page are always the most recent version (The monthly
posts are posted directly from that directory!)

This is a monthly list of questions that have been frequently asked in this
newsgroup. This article can be freely distributed for non-commercial use, as
long as all credits and notices remain intact. If this is used in any
publication, including APAs & CD-Rom Collections, a copy must be sent to:

Steve Pearl
PO Box 11044
New Brunswick, NJ 08906

Please send all additions/corrections/comments to:

Steve Pearl
PO Box 11044
New Brunswick, NJ 08906
Internet: starbuck@cybercomm.net

This glossary lists important terms relating to manga and the manga industry.
It was compiled as a bare-minimum reference for Usenet, intended to resolve a
large number of questions and repetitive discussions. While it is not by any
means an exhaustive reference, those subjects most often discussed on the net
are dealt with in reasonable detail.

Entries are listed in alphabetical order, and JIS code is given for most
Sino-Japanese words. The glossary can be read sequentially, or browsed
randomly; if you can't find a specific term, try the index, listed at the end.
Many entries provide background information and pointers to other sources.

Some good general net references for those interested in manga terminology:

* Jim Breen's Japanese page lists many links to electronic Japanese-language
resources. Jim Breen is the compiler of the on-line Japanese-English
dictionary EDICT and the kanji dictionary KANJIDIC, both of which are
comprehensive, useful, and in the public domain.
* The sci.lang Japan FAQ briefly deals with colloquial Japanese used in
* A Guide to Japanese Culture for Role Playing Games contains several
introductory articles on subjects that are found often enough in manga:
Japanese mythology, religion, history, traditional weapons, and the
yakuza. <http://www.io.com/user/nishio/japan/>
* The Internet and Unix Dictionary is a simple reference for computing
terms, which often crop up in manga discussion on the 'net.


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